Health Certificate Form Client's Name Phone Number Email Address If the individual traveling with pet is different please specify Origin Street Address in Cayman Consignee Name (person receiving pet) Final Destination Physical Address(Please put full address and inc. Zip cod) Final Destination Telephone Number Is Your Pet Traveling Alone Intermediary Travel Company (if applicable) (Full address and Contact Number) Will You Be Transferring To Your Final Destination If Yes, Please Specify Where Date of Departure Date of Arrival at Final Destination Will you be returning to the Cayman Islands within 14days?(if yes, please state date, time of importation and carrier details) Pet's Name Date of Birth of Approx Age Speacies Male or Female Colour/ Markings (statement on the Rabies Vaccine Certificate) Breed (or the second predominant Breeds listed on the Rabies Vaccine Certificate) Microchip Number Microchip Implant Date (if your pet has more than one micrfochip , please state all microchip numbers, implant dates and brand of each microchip respectively) Is your pet up to date with a current Rabies Vaccine? Does your pet have a current Rabies Titre Does your pet have a passport? If yes please state number Please check the supporting documents are uploaded or sent to our email([email protected]) when submitting completed form Rabies Vaccine Certification Rabies Titre Certification (if applicable) Microchip Implant Certificate Annual Vaccination Records Please Upload Required Documents Choose the required file Choose File Submit Form